Tuesday 30 November 2010


shrimps are tinee living creatures.
shrimps hav lotse of BIG predators like the whale-shark.
most shrimp predators suke the shrimp in its mouth.
shrimps are white whith a litul bit of red in the corner.

Monday 29 November 2010


killer-whales are fierce preditus and they hav sharp teeth.
killer-whales are exstremle BIG AND FIERCE and they are MEAT ETERS!
killer-whales eat mostly pengrins and seals.
killer-whales live in colde pleasis and sume live her in England to.

Sunday 28 November 2010


dolfins are in a groope called the cetaceanss.
dolfins eat fish and sume can swim vere close to the shore.
dolfins are 2 difrunt colours broun and greae.
dolfins hav a bloae-hole like whales.

elephunte seals

elephunte seals hav a short trunck thing and that is why itis called the elephunte seals.
elephunte seals are broun where most seals are greae.
elephunte seals hav a grate predter called the kiler-whale!
elephunte seals are much biger compared from pengrins.

Saturday 27 November 2010

marine crocdilus

crokudilus hav a wider snout than algatus.
crokudilus hav a more pointid mouth than aigatus.
crokudilus hav a lote of sharp dangerus teeth!
algatus can onlea liv in fresh water but crokudilus on the erther hand can liv in fresh water and salty water.

Friday 26 November 2010


seaguls are white and can also live inland to.
the comonest place to see them is at the seasid.
seaguls eat small fish and plaents.
a seaguls beak is yeloe whith a litulbit of blak at the end.